I know most of my posts are about Olivia and family life, but I am taking time this time for just me. Today is my birthday. I am 29. I never in a million years thought this would affect me, but for some strange reason, it has. Not the actual day - I had a great birthday, a cake, presents, friends and fam - the works. But I am sad! I have actually cried several times today, and have no idea why! I don't know if I feel this is the beginning of death of my youth? Ugh, I am such a freak.
HOWEVER -- I feel that I want to embrace this, not fight it. With age, comes wisdom, right? I am adopting a new policy for this year - a resolution, if you will. (BTW-Teachers have their own calendar - August starts our year, not January...) My very good friend, Carrie, is my inspiration for many things - blogging, being positive, not slapping people, etc. At the end of the school year in May, she said that she wanted to start this year dressing more professionally because she thought it would make her feel more positive about her job. I think she is right, so I am doing this too. At the end of my year, I had all but given up on myself. I went to school in baggy clothes, t-shirts, gauchos, and flip flops (not the nice, sandal-y ones - hubbed out ones). I let my weight gain during pregnancy get the best of me - literally. I hid behind whatever I could. Even though I can't wear my pre-pregnancy clothes yet, I do not want to go back to school looking or feeling this way about myself, because the kids pick up on that very quickly. Now, I am not going to be wearing suits or anything - that's just not my personality - but I do want to focus on looking like a teacher, not a college student. So I will be taking my birthday money clothes shopping, and I am sort of excited. Another exciting thing is all of the new jewelry that I will be wearing. Thanks to Carrie, again, I will be sporting new [FREE] Premier jewelry, and I am freaking out excited. Without meaning to sound superficial, I know this will make me sparklier, and with the more professional clothes, will help me to feel better about myself.
SO, here's to the last year of my twenties...they've been fun and I will be VERY sad to see them go, but I am really looking forward to what my future holds...