Monday, April 13, 2009

Two month shots...

HURT. I cried as much as she did. It didn't help that we were there almost three hours. (We made an appointment with O's doctor 6 weeks ago...she decided last week to take the first half of Spring Break off. Instead of rescheduling, they don't say anything and try to squeeze us in with the other doctor. Michael was a little hot... They waived our co-pay :). )

She got three injections in her legs, and one oral dose of something. They named them all, but I was nervous and wasn't really paying attention. I trust them. She weighed in at 11lbs 9oz and has grown to 23 inches! (I made sure to hold her head this time!) She's such a big girl!! She was a little cranky this afternoon, so I gave her some Infant Tylenol, but she was pretty good by this evening. She seems to be easing out of her nighttime crankiness. Here are some of her smiles even after a day of pain!

Daddy's Easter bunny!!

Cooking with Daddy!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

The oral dose was probbably tylenol, to help the pain later! I'm sorry she had a rough time with the shots. They are no fun!