Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spaghetti Sauce Eruption

This morning started out ROUGH. I had promised my first period kids for some time that I would bring them breakfast this week as a reward for their great behavior - not that it's too hard - there are only eight of them (don't ask...). So, I woke up early, got dressed and ready, and commenced making breakfast. Things were rolling along great, and Michael even got up to help me finish up. I was running a tad bit behind, so I started to rush in the kitchen. In the process, I managed to knock a bowl of marinara sauce from the night before off the edge of the counter. Doesn't sound so bad, right? That's what I thought. Whatever, it's on the floor, I'll clean it before I go. I couldn't fathom why Michael was as perturbed as he was - until I turned around. The bowl had hit the floor spewing marinara ALL OVER the kitchen. I literally mean ALL OVER. The refrigerator, the walls, the cabinets, the ceiling, the microwave, and not to mention, ME. I looked down to see the side of my white shirt and pants covered in spaghetti sauce. So, blue jean day moved to Wednesday. I truly had nothing else to wear - thank goodness that the City Board walk-throughs were yesterday!!

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